frantic om

chaos and creativity

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Reasons to Learn Cables without Needles

  1. No more "oh sh!!!" moments when I realize I left the cable needle at home.
  2. All the cool girls are doing it.
  3. I'll look cool too when I'm doing it.
  4. Rogue is coming.
  5. It's always nice to learn and have a new skill.

And yes, I did knit this sleeve using a paperclip cable needle - thanks to a kind clerk at jury duty.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

In the woods

Suburbia is a strange place to visit when you've been thoroughly citified, more space and greenery but somehow less . . . nature.

But they have Craft Stores! I've been looking for these oil color pencils for ages:
Aren't they pretty?

And I'm up to the neck shaping on my cabled tee:

Saturday, March 18, 2006

in the beginning . . .

. . . it seemed like a good idea so here it is, frantic om, taking its first baby step.